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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

Top Wrinkle Relaxers for Smooth Skin: Little Elm/ Prosper, TX

Updated: Sep 3

Wrinkle Relaxers in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Wrinkles are common cosmetic concerns among men and women. Wrinkles are a natural part of aging. As you grow older, your skin loses collagen, resulting in wrinkles. Sun damage, smoking, and other environmental factors can also lead to wrinkles.

Wrinkle Relaxers in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Wrinkle relaxers are injectables that help relax wrinkles, thereby reducing their appearance. Various types of wrinkle relaxers are available.

Wrinkles usually appear at 40 and become more prominent at one age. However, wrinkles can also occur earlier in life.

Wrinkles don’t pose any health risks; they are solely cosmetic concerns. Most people seek treatment for wrinkles to improve the appearance of their faces and look younger.

Continue reading to learn more about the various types of wrinkle relaxers that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Wrinkle Relaxers (Botox/Dysport/Xeomin/Daxxify/Jeuveau) in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Botox, Dysport, Daxxify, Xeomin, and Jeuveau are five different wrinkle relaxers that work similarly.

They all contain small doses of botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin that paralyzes muscle contractions or movement underneath the skin. Reducing or stopping muscle contractions or movements ultimately relaxes wrinkles and prevents their further formation.

Botox in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Botox is a popular wrinkle relaxer that contains small doses of botulinum toxin. It is used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines and prevent their further formation.

Muscle contractions or activities that occur over time as you make facial movements result in wrinkles and lines. A chemical messenger known as acetylcholine transmits electrical messages from the brain to the muscles, telling them to contract.

Botox works for wrinkles and fine lines by preventing muscle contractions. It does this by preventing the release of the chemical messenger acetylcholine. When acetylcholine is not released, the muscle won’t contract anymore since it didn’t receive any electrical messages from the brain to contract.

This ultimately leads to the disappearance of wrinkles and lines. Since the muscle no longer contracts, there’s no further formation of wrinkles and lines. It paralyzes the muscle underneath the skin to stop muscle contractions, thereby preventing wrinkle formation.

Botox works excellently for wrinkles and lines. Its safety is assured, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved it for treating wrinkles, glabellar lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet.

Botox results typically last 3-6 months. You will need periodic maintenance treatments to extend the life of your results for several months or years.

Dysport in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Dysport is another common wrinkle relaxer that contains small doses of botulinum toxin. It works similarly to Botox. It stops or reduces muscle movement or contractions underneath the skin, thereby preventing the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

Botox and Dysport both contain small doses of botulinum toxin. The potency power of Botox is greater than that of Dysport. The FDA approved Dysport for treating wrinkles and severe glabellar lines only.

The results of Dysport typically last for 3-4 months. Regular maintenance treatments every 3-4 months can make your results last for several months or years.

XEOMIN in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Xeomin is an injectable wrinkle relaxer containing small doses of botulinum toxin type A. It works similarly to Botox and Dysport. It paralyzes the muscle tissue underneath the skin to stop muscle contraction, thereby preventing the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

The difference between Xeomin and Botox is that Xeomin consists of just a single ingredient, botulinum toxin A, while Botox has a lot of protein surrounding each molecule of botulinum toxin A.

Xeomin is used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the forehead and other parts of the face.

Xeomin's results typically last three months. To extend this time, you can get maintenance treatments every three months.

Daxxify in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Daxxify is a new injectable treatment used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Daxxify is similar to other neuromodulators like Botox, Dysport, Jeuveau, and Xeomin. Daxxify was approved by the FDA in 2022 to address glabellar lines (frown lines).

Daxxify can dramatically reduce severe lines and wrinkles. It works by relaxing muscle contractions underneath the skin that cause lines and wrinkles. When injected into the muscles, it temporarily block the nerve signals responsible for making muscles contract, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles and frown lines. 

Daxxify helps to address signs of aging by smoothing the skin, making you appear younger. The results of Daxxify can last for 6 to 9 months. The results of Daxxify last longer than Botox due to its unique formulation.

Daxxify combines its neurotoxin with a unique protein that lengthens the effects of the neurotoxin. You can maintain your results to last for even more extended periods by getting periodic maintenance treatments. 

Daxxify is a little more expensive than Botox. This is because Daxxify results generally last longer than Botox results. A unit of Daxxify can cost between $15 to $25. However, more units of Daxxify may be needed for treating glabeller lines than Botox. 20 units of Botox is the recommended minimum dose for glabellar lines, while 40 units of Daxxify is the recommended minimum dose for glabellar lines. 

Jeuveau in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Jeuveau contains the same active ingredient as other neuromodulators. It is used for the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles. It is a relatively new type of botulinum toxin A injectable approved by the FDA in February 2019 for treating glabellar lines (frown lines).

Just like other neuromodulators, Jeuveau works by relaxing the muscles beneath the skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Jeuveau is best used for treating glabellar lines, while Botox can be used for other areas. Jeuveau is less expensive than Botox as a unit of Jeuveau cost $8 to $8 to $16 while a unit of Botox cost $10 to $20.

Results of Jeuveau last for three to six months, depending on factors such as age, lifestyle, and skin condition of individuals. 

Wrinkle Removal Injection in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are all injectables. They are injected into various parts of the face to relax wrinkles and reduce their appearance.

How Do Wrinkle Relaxers Work?

When Botox is injected into the muscle underneath the skin, it stops muscle contractions by paralyzing the muscle. You will start seeing Botox's effect in 3-5 days, while you will see maximum results in about a week.

How Do Wrinkle Relaxers Work?


Dysport and Xeomin are also injected into the muscle underneath the skin to stop muscle contractions. You will start seeing Dysport's effect in 2-4 days, while it can take 10-14 days to see maximum results.

You will start to see the effect of Xeomin in 3-4 days, while maximum results can be seen in 7 days.

Why You May Need Wrinkle Relaxer

You may need a wrinkle relaxer if your facial wrinkles bother you. If you want to have a smooth face and look younger, you may need to get a wrinkle relaxer.

Which Wrinkle Relaxer is Right For Me?

Botox, Dysport, Daxxify, Xeomin, and Jeuveau all work similarly. They paralyze the muscles underneath the skin to stop muscle contractions, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles and preventing further formation.

They all have similar side effects, which can be significantly reduced if a skilled and experienced skincare specialist or dermatologist provides your treatment.

Botox has more potency than Dysport since the latter is more diluted. It is best to consult your dermatologist or skincare specialist to determine the most suitable.

Most Popular FDA-Approved Injectable Wrinkle Relaxer in Little Elm / Prosper, TX

Most Popular FDA-Approved Injectable Wrinkle Relaxer in Little Elm / Prosper, TX


  • Botox

Botox is a popular wrinkle relaxer used by both men and women to reduce facial wrinkles. In 2021, over 7.3 million Botox treatments were done worldwide.

The numbers grew in 2022 to over 9 million Botox procedures. More and more people are embracing Botox treatment for wrinkles due to its safety and effectiveness.

Botox is undoubtedly the most popular FDA-approved wrinkle relaxer injectable. Currently, the Botox market is worth over $4.4 billion.

  • Dysport 

Dysport is another popular wrinkle relaxer that the FDA has approved. Millions of people worldwide embrace its use for wrinkle treatment.

Botox was approved by the FDA for wrinkle treatment in 2002, while Dysport was approved in 2009. While Botox is the most popular wrinkle relaxer worldwide, Dysport is a strong competitor, with a market share of about 20%.

  • Xeomin

Xeomin is gradually becoming another strong competitor in the global botulinum toxin market, with a market share of about 10%. Xeomin has become one of the most popular wrinkle relaxers in the market.

Watch Fine Lines and Wrinkles Fade Away With BOTOX

Botox is the most popular botulinum toxin treatment for wrinkles and fine lines due to its safety and effectiveness.

It paralyzes the muscle underneath the skin to stop muscle contractions, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and preventing their further formation.

After getting Botox treatment, your wrinkles and fine lines will gradually disappear in 3-5 days. The final results will be visible in about a week.


How Does Botulinum Toxin Work as a Wrinkle Relaxer?

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin that stops or paralyzes muscle movements underneath the skin. It works by blocking the nerve signals between the brain and muscle.

A chemical messenger or neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine transmits electrical messages from the brain to the muscles, telling the muscles to contract.

Botulinum toxin prevents the release of the chemical messenger acetylcholine. When acetylcholine is not released, the muscle won’t contract anymore since it didn’t receive any electrical messages from the brain to contract.

This ultimately leads to the disappearance of wrinkles and lines. Since the muscle no longer contracts, there’s no further formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

Wrinkle Relaxer Treatment: Can It Make a Difference?

Wrinkle relaxers are extremely effective for treating wrinkles. Botulinum toxin treatment can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and keep them at bay for up to four months or longer. You will see significant changes, and your wrinkles will gradually fade after a few days to weeks.

The treatment's effect gradually fades away after 3-4 months. To maintain wrinkle-free skin, periodic maintenance treatments are recommended every 3-4 months.

What areas can wrinkle relaxers help?

Wrinkle relaxers can help in various areas of the face which include:

  • Forehead lines

  • Frown lines

  • Crow’s feet

  • Chin

  • Lips

  • Bunny lines

  • Eyebrows

  • Masseters

  • Jaw

  • Cheeks

  • Glabellar lines

  • Marionette lines

How long do wrinkle relaxers last?

Wrinkle relaxers typically last 3-4 months. However, periodic maintenance treatments can extend the life of your results.

How often do you need to get wrinkle relaxers?

You must get wrinkle relaxers every 3-4 months to maintain your results. However, some people can get maintenance treatments every 3-6 months, depending on how long their results last.

What is the longest-lasting wrinkle relaxer?

How long a wrinkle relaxer lasts varies from person to person, depending on skin quality, adherence to aftercare instructions, and other factors.

Botox typically lasts 3 to 4 months, while Xeomin lasts three months. However, some people who have had Xeomin have seen results that last up to 6 months.

Try Wrinkle Relaxers at Pari's Medspa Little Elm / Prosper, TX

You must get your wrinkle relaxer treatment from a reputable provider to get the most out of it.

If you’re in Little Elm / Prosper or its environs, we encourage you to get your wrinkle relaxers in Little Elm / Prosper, TX, from Pari's Medspa.

We are experts in providing treatments for wrinkles and fine lines. We will thoroughly evaluate your skin condition and review your medical and cosmetic history to determine what works best.

Contact us today or book a consultation session with our skincare specialist.

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